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"I want a verb and you give me a noun"

Finally watched the film Lymelife, I'd been looking forward to it since i saw the preview for it early last year. Watched it last night and was honestly a tad disappointed. I suppose i had far to high of expectations built up for it.


(especially after The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys)

.....But the Culkin Brothers are in it; So I couldn't be let down to drastically. Their is just something deeply fascinating and darkly attractive about that family.

And Yesterday.
After much sleep deprivation and 40 oz. of black coffee
i was provoked by a friend to write a limerick after me pointing out that my limbs weren't half as jittery as my brain.

Here it is.

Hands clasped around a Steamy Brew
Brightening Ones outlook Anew

Energy and Inspiration appear to abound
Suddenly it all comes crashing down

Now I'm just jittery through and through
Birthed from boredom, this limerick for you

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